Monday, May 11, 2015

Invitation to guest bloggers

Greetings Readers (assuming I have any):
I believe it is time for me to branch out from the dilettante, "art for art's sake" pose, and engage with contemporary issue in politics, social justice, ethics, and yes, art. Ayaan Hirsi Ali recently published a fine book, Heretic: Why Islam Needs a Reformation Now (2015). A review of this volume might be a great place to start. Of course, in this age of police shootings of unarmed men (invariably black), state-sanctioned spying and even murder, to name just the most disgusting American pastimes, the possible topic(s) for the would-be guest blogger are well-nigh inexhaustible. Now here is the rub: One need not agree with my bleeding heart, liberal self to get published in The Aristocrat. One must simply write an intelligent, well-argued, and hopefully provocative piece. If this new format works out, we might soon be talking dollars and cents -- as in royalties. So, if you are interested, contact me with your proposal and a brief biographical cover letter (optional). Send all proposals, queries, and suggestions to: Regards, Edward Moore, S.T.L., Ph.D. Editor-in-chief